
Why we need to rethink multitasking

In 2006 the word Pizzled entered the lexicon; a combination of puzzled and pissed, it captured the feeling people had when the person they were with whipped out a Blackberry and started talking to someone else. Back then people felt hurt and indignant in such moments. Today it’s the norm. A multitasking life philosophy might not be the best approach and here’s why.

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How to Make Peace in Your Life with Triggers

The inspiration for this journaling prompt comes from Roger Teel’s book, This Life Is Joy. Teel encourages readers of his book to open themselves to the mysteries of life. Teel recommends practices that can be used with My Wellness Journal to experience peace, calm and a general state of well-being.

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How to set intentions for your day

Caroline Webb in her book How To Have A Good Day recommends asking yourself intention setting questions. Here in the Necessities team, we’ve found this approach to be super effective in helping us set clear intentions.
Here is her four step process. Pull out your wellness journal and give it a try.

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Create a prayer for life, work and relationships

When it comes to prayer, the individual has creative licence! We can create prayers that inspire us to build a life we love; to achieve great things at work or to enhance our relationships. Creating prayers that are aligned with our values may then have a ripple effect on those around us; our families, workplaces and communities. Lets us help you create a prayer for life, work and relationships.

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Quote of the day….

When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.

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