
How to set intentions for your day

Caroline Webb in her book How To Have A Good Day recommends asking yourself intention setting questions. Here in the Necessities team, we’ve found this approach to be super effective in helping us set clear intentions.
Here is her four step process. Pull out your wellness journal and give it a try.

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How you eat, move and sleep will shape your day

I’ve discovered that people who have the ability to balance their own wellbeing with the needs of others are generally happier and more content. Because of this, they make better friends, leaders, partners, parents and colleagues. Wellbeing does not have to be complicated! Let’s start with eating, moving and sleeping.

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Create a prayer for life, work and relationships

When it comes to prayer, the individual has creative licence! We can create prayers that inspire us to build a life we love; to achieve great things at work or to enhance our relationships. Creating prayers that are aligned with our values may then have a ripple effect on those around us; our families, workplaces and communities. Lets us help you create a prayer for life, work and relationships.

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Tomato-sized Goals

Pomodoro as a time management technique. It was created in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo. This technique is based on a principle that human beings can focus only for a certain period of time. This focus period varies from person to person. The Pomodoro technique assumes that we are able to focus for a maximum of 25 minutes. Learn how you can use this technique to boost productivity.

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Quote of the day….

When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.

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