The Crucible

The Crucible

A Personal Growth & Wellness Blog

10 illnesses that indicate water shortage in your body.

“You’re not sick; you’re thirsty. Don’t treat thirst with medication.” – Dr F. Batmanghelidj
There is a difference between ‘healthy hydration’ and maintaining ‘safe fluid levels’ for your body. Drinking water in plenty, rather than simply suppressing symptoms with medication can do wonders for you. In this blog post we share signals that your body is giving you when healthy hydration is not a part of the equation.

Write your way to health – top 10 benefits of journal writing

Research has proven that keeping a journal can help people get past traumas, build a stronger immune system, calm inner conflict and emotional upheaval, and cultivate resilience. When we get trapped in a cycle of constant rumination, telling the same story over and over, journal writing can be used as a tool to facilitate breakthroughs. In this blog post we share top 10 benefits of journal writing.

Infinite palette of gratitude

You can custom make your gratefulness palette. Irrespective of how you chose to express gratitude (journaling, affirmations, gratitude walk), in order for you to reap its benefits it must encompass some essential ingredients. In this blog post we share some approaches from leading thinkers in the field of gratitude.

13 ways to express gratitude

As you plant seeds of gratitude in your life you actively begin to break down problems into opportunities. In this blog post we share 13 ways that you can express gratitude. Continue to experiment with different practices that have been outlined in this blog post and stick with the one that brings you greatest equanimity.

The learning of life is knowing what to avoid

In this blog post you will find a thought-provoking concept for self-improvement, happiness and health, where you are adding to your life even though you are subtracting. There is a latin phrase for this – via negativa or via negationis, which means ‘way of negation’.

Why a gratitude practice is not working for you

I heard a talk by Barbara Corcoran where she was parting with business lessons to young entrepreneurs. She spoke about some key principles that enabled her to grow a multi-million dollar real estate business. She attributed providing recognition (not monetary) to her employees as a transforming factor in her business.

Affirm goodness in your life

Do not indulge in dreams of having what you have not, but reckon up the chief of the blessings you do possess, and then thankfully remember how you would crave for them if they were not yours. Affirming the good in your life helps you create a biography of JOY.

Gratitude is an OMG moment

Gratitude is a state where you realise that ‘you are enough’, which leads to mental stillness, we step into a space of inter-connectedness and then we chose to pay it forward. Gratitude is not a passive act, it’s rather generative.

Quote of the day….

When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.

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