The Crucible

The Crucible

A Personal Growth & Wellness Blog

Why we need to rethink multitasking

In 2006 the word Pizzled entered the lexicon; a combination of puzzled and pissed, it captured the feeling people had when the person they were with whipped out a Blackberry and started talking to someone else. Back then people felt hurt and indignant in such moments. Today it’s the norm. A multitasking life philosophy might not be the best approach and here’s why.

How to Make Peace in Your Life with Triggers

The inspiration for this journaling prompt comes from Roger Teel’s book, This Life Is Joy. Teel encourages readers of his book to open themselves to the mysteries of life. Teel recommends practices that can be used with My Wellness Journal to experience peace, calm and a general state of well-being.

How to set intentions for your day

Caroline Webb in her book How To Have A Good Day recommends asking yourself intention setting questions. Here in the Necessities team, we’ve found this approach to be super effective in helping us set clear intentions.
Here is her four step process. Pull out your wellness journal and give it a try.

How you eat, move and sleep will shape your day

I’ve discovered that people who have the ability to balance their own wellbeing with the needs of others are generally happier and more content. Because of this, they make better friends, leaders, partners, parents and colleagues. Wellbeing does not have to be complicated! Let’s start with eating, moving and sleeping.

Create a prayer for life, work and relationships

When it comes to prayer, the individual has creative licence! We can create prayers that inspire us to build a life we love; to achieve great things at work or to enhance our relationships. Creating prayers that are aligned with our values may then have a ripple effect on those around us; our families, workplaces and communities. Lets us help you create a prayer for life, work and relationships.

Work for 45 Minutes, Rest for 15. Discover Your Work-Play Ratio

Tim walker, an American teacher, moved to Helsinki to teach fifth grade students. Walker discovered that the since the 1960s, the Finnish educational system practiced a 45/15 model of teaching. For every 45 minutes spent in a classroom, children were allowed a 15 minute break. If this model worked for children could it also work for adults?

Tomato-sized Goals

Pomodoro as a time management technique. It was created in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo. This technique is based on a principle that human beings can focus only for a certain period of time. This focus period varies from person to person. The Pomodoro technique assumes that we are able to focus for a maximum of 25 minutes. Learn how you can use this technique to boost productivity.

Plastic in your personal care products

Microbeads are little pieces of plastic smaller than grains of sand that are sometimes added to face-washes, exfoliators, shampoos, cosmetics, body-washes and sometimes even to toothpaste. Microbeads are made of polyethylene, polypropylene or polystyrene. These are plastic compounds! They are causing serious damage to our health and marine environment

6 Ways to Improve Your Breathing

Are you ready to ‘time-in’ and learn how to self-regulate through breathing? In this blog post we share some of our favourite breathing techniques and exercises. Pick one breathing technique that you would like to try and make it a part of your ritual. Do it every day and make gradual progress. Simple yet so empowering!

Why is sleep important?

Distractions in life constantly impinge upon our personal freedom. With increased demands on our time, sleep is an area that we must become passionate about protecting. In this blog post we share some tips so that you can create a new restorative sleep habit.

Take the Initiative to a Healthier Living by Testing your pH Levels

You can perform pH testing in the comfort of your own home. It will provide you with an indication of the general health of your body. Use the information to help you make adjustments in your lifestyle to maximise your chances of health and well-being. Keep the body’s pH in balance and it will stay healthy.

Are you constantly thinking about work? Let us help you achieve a better outcome through journaling

Rumination is the process by which a cow regurgitates previously consumed feed and masticates it a second time. Rumination is not just common in cows, we humans ruminate to comprehend the meaning of stressful situations or to look for solutions to our problems. Cows seem to have a cut off for the number of times they will engage in this activity, for humans sometimes the rumination process becomes incessant. In this blog post we provide some tips on effective rumination!

Gratitude fatigue? Try these steps

If you find yourself suffering from gratitude journaling fatigue chances are you are not doing it right! It’s important that you monitor your growth in gratitude and try to figure out where your strengths live and weaknesses lie. This will enable you to course correct and reap benefits of embracing gratitude practice in your life. Here are our top five course correction tips.

Naikan, a self-reflection journaling practice

The practice of Naikan is a simple approach to improving your well-being. Naikan is a structured method of self-reflection technique that was developed by Japanese businessman Yoshimoto Ishin (1916 -1988). NAI means ‘inside’ and KAN means ‘looking’, therefore Naikan means “inside looking” or “self-reflection” or “introspection.” Naikan is a great roadmap for productive journaling practice.

Journaling to rescue you from an emotional tsunami

The Latin root of the word “emotion” means “to move”. Emotions are not steady or stagnant states. The ocean wave is an apt metaphor to describe an emotional current. Just like waves emotions start small, grow larger and then crash and fade away. When we are scared of drowning in our emotions we overlook this aspect; like ocean waves, if we allow emotions to run their course they will eventually fade away. Open My Wellness Journal and begin following a five step process in order to establish contact with your emotions.

Infused water can increase your water intake

Water is the most effective detoxification weapon. Infusing water will add flavour and help you increase your water intake. In this blog post we share some of our water infusion recipes, so that you can stay hydrated and effectively manage your energy levels.

7 Journaling tips when life does not go to plan

Resilience can be cultivated when life does not seem to go as planned. There are several enquiry based journaling tips that can be used to help us dig deep. This exercise will help you identify actions/steps that you need to take to get unstuck. When you focus inwards your power will expand. Be prepared to witness creative problem solving unfold in your life.

Quote of the day….

When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.

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