Author: Ruchika Chauhan

What if?

When we consider a change in our circumstances or we advance towards a goal, we often find ourselves playing through a variety of ‘what if’ scenarios in our minds. Because we are innately programmed for survival, most of these scenarios are negative. If you are contemplating change, here are some strategies that help you come out better – rather than bitter – on the other side.

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How to minimise sleep disruption if you work when everyone is asleep

If you are a night shift worker or you manage a team that requires night shift work to be undertaken, what steps can you take to ensure your team members get sufficient sleep?
Our concept of wellbeing needs to evolve from the occasional fruit hamper that gets delivered to our work pantries to a more wholesome approach. We have identified seven steps you can take to overcome sleep deprivation associated with shift work.

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Why we need to rethink multitasking

In 2006 the word Pizzled entered the lexicon; a combination of puzzled and pissed, it captured the feeling people had when the person they were with whipped out a Blackberry and started talking to someone else. Back then people felt hurt and indignant in such moments. Today it’s the norm. A multitasking life philosophy might not be the best approach and here’s why.

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Quote of the day….

When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.

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