Create a prayer for life, work and relationships

Research conducted by Dr Neal Krause PhD at the University of Michigan suggests that praying for others can reduce your stress levels and contribute to your wellbeing. Read more here

Sometimes when people hear the word “prayer”, they immediately think it’s associated with religion. Yet to define it in this way is quite limiting as it’s so much broader than that. While prayer is often used as a means of seeking comfort during difficult times, it can also be a way of opening our hearts and connecting to a sense of expansiveness in life. And it provides a means of cultivating more loving relationships with others as it fosters patience and gratitude.

When it comes to prayer, the individual has creative licence! We can create prayers that inspire us to build a life we love; to achieve great things at work or to enhance our relationships. Creating prayers that are aligned with our values may then have a ripple effect on those around us; our families, workplaces and communities.

For the next 10 minutes, or longer if you have the time, clear some space in your schedule to reflect and contemplate. Reflect on your life, work and relationships and think about what you desire in each of these areas. Pose the following questions to yourself –

  • What would I pray for when I think about life, work and relationships?
  • What is in my heart when I think about life, work and relationships?

Now, in your journal, use these reflections to write something that resonates with you in the following areas:

  • A prayer for life.
  • A prayer for work.
  • A prayer for relationships.

Each morning as you start your day, pick one. Place your hand on your heart and say it either out loud or quietly connecting to the energy within and around you. These prayers will inspire your vision, strengthen your focus and support your intention for that day.

Refined over time, your prayers become like your mission statement as you form a deep-held belief that guides you in your life and your decisions.

If there’s a prose, poem or quote that holds meaning for you, write it in your wellness journal. You can use the index cards provided in your wellness journal to write these prayers and create a personalised prayer that deeply resonate with you.

When you feel distracted, purposeless, challenged or faced with making an important decision in your life, pause and say the prayer.  These words are a reflection of your values and indicative of the person that you are or would like to be.

My prayer for work is inspired by poetry written in the 1800’s. Each time I feel disillusioned or confronted with a challenge at work, reading this poem fills my heart with possibilities and hope.

This is how it goes:-

Dare to do right, dare to be true,

You have a work that no other can do.

Do it so kindly, so bravely, so well,

That angels will hasten the story to tell.

Words To Grow By

Dare to do right, dare to be true,

You have a work that no other can do.

Do it so kindly, so bravely, so well,

That angels will hasten the story to tell.